Annual World Peace Prayers will be held online this year. Here is the planned schedule. Please find the Zoom meeting details below.
10am - NOON Drupon Samten Rinpoche will give Dharma teachings and we will do the practice of Buddha Shakyamuni and monastics will lead VajraVidharan.
NOON - 1:30pm lunch break
1:30pm - 3:00pm Meditation lead by Drupon Samten, Parnasharvi practice and Tara mantra recitation
3pm - 3:30pm Tea Break
3:30pm Dharma practices of: Lion Faced Dakini, White Umbrella, Heart Sutra, Dedication prayers
You are welcome to join for the entire day or part of the day depending on your schedule. If you have any problems, please send an email to and we will check emails from time to time, but may take us a little time to respond.
Zoom link below and then enter the password. If you have any problems with the link, you can also go to and enter the meeting-id and password to JOIN MEETING.
Password: 20200531
Meeting ID: 846 2959 7765
Thanks and looking forward to seeing you soon online !