We are pleased to announce these precious teachings with Khenchen Gyaltshen Rinpoche at Drikung Kyobpa Choling. Registration is required for both IN-PERSON and Zoom (Online) attendance. Teachings given in English. We will have a separate Spanish Zoom language channel. Please contact Fanny for more details.
Zoom Meeting Info:
Meeting Id: 831 4293 9493 Passcode: 108108
Suggested Fee: $30/day in-person. $15/day for Zoom online only To help cover travel costs, offering to Rinpoche and ongoing expenses. If you can not afford the full amount, please pay what you can. You are welcome to make an offering directly to Rinpoche at the end of the retreat if you like. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and will help us cover expenses for this important program. We also thank you if you would like to make an additional donation to help support this event and ongoing programs. Thank you.
Please scroll down for Dharma text downloads buttons below.
Saturday schedule: Teachings on How to Live in Happiness
10am to NOON Morning session teachings
NOON - 2pm Lunch break
2pm - 3:30pm Afternoon session teachings
3:30pm - Short break
4pm - 5pm Saturday (14th) teachings and Sunday (15th) Concise Guru Yoga practice & TSOK offering
5:pm - 6pm Dharma Protectors practice led by Khenpo Tenzin (optional)
Sunday schedule Teachings and practice Guru Yoga of Lord Jigten Sumgon, followed by Lama Chopa (Offering to the Lama) & TSOK
10am to NOON Morning session teachings on Jigten Sumgon Guru you and short practics
NOON - 2pm Lunch break
2pm - 3:30pm Afternoon session Lama Chopa practice and TSOK offering
3:30pm - Short break
4pm - 5pm Mandala and Long Life prayers and offerings to Khenchen Rinpoche (program concludes)
5:pm - 6pm Dharma Protectors practice led by Khenpo Tenzin (optional On the last day this may start a little later or earlier in the morning)
Restaurants /Food places in Escondido: El Pollo Loco, Thai Kitchen, Bamboo House Chinese, Arby’s, McDonalds, Jimbo’s, Sprouts