Khenpo Tenzin will continue to share Dharma teachings about 1000-Arm Chenrezig and other topics related to the upcoming Nyung-Nay retreat. The teachings will include explanation about the 8 Precepts. Teaching is in Tibetan and translated to English (and Spanish in a separate Zoom channel).
The teaching session will be followed by the in-person and online: Introduction to Ritual Music class. If you have a DharmaRu, please bring it with you. And as a reminder, we have bell-and-dorje sets and DharmaRu’s available for sale in our Dharma Shop.
This session will be Online and In-Person.
Zoom link and password below:
If you have a problem with the link. you can go to and join by entering the meeting ID & password
Zoom Meeting ID: 847 7598 1181 Passcode: 01062020
Passcode: 01062020