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Khenpo gives Dharma Talk on Buddha Shakyamuni, Practice, Meditation and Potluck

Khenpo Tenzin will lead a Dharma talk on the 12 major life events of the Buddha, and the practice of Buddha Shakyamuni. If time and weather permits, Khenpo will also lead a Walking Meditation around the Monastery and the Stupa. Online and In Person. Some portions of the time outdoors may not be available on Zoom.

We encourage those living in the San Diego area to join in person to meet members of the San Diego Dharma Bums temple who will be visiting us on this day. We will have a potluck lunch for whomever would like to join. We invite you to please bring something to share.

Schedule: 9:30am PT start time (Please note the starting time for today is 9:30am not 9am PT) Teachings by Khenpo Tenzin from 9:30am to 10:30am.

10:30am Buddha Shakayamuni Dharma practice and mantra recitation.

11am (or so), walking meditation and dedication prayers.

NOON potluck lunch until 2pm.

You may attend for all or part of the day. Thank you.

Zoom link and password below:

If you have a problem with the link. you can go to and join by entering the meeting ID & password

Meeting ID=837 5876 0361

Password: 01062020

Join with your computer audio Or find your local number here:
September 23

Amitayus Buddha Practice & Mantras led by Khenpo Tenzin

September 30

Achi Dharma Practice with Khenpo Tenzin