Special Achi retreat & Losar Lama Dances 2024
Dear everyone,
We are pleased to announce this special program scheduled from February 7th through the 11th. We are honored to have Khenpo Tenzin, Ven. Lama Norbu, Ven. Lama Choswang, Ani Chodron and Ani Tanzin to lead us in these important prayers for our sangha, family and friends and for the World at Large. Our dear Khenpo and senior lamas have recommended that based on the astrology and the up coming Tibetan New Year, it will be best to perform this special Achi ceremony and prayers, before the Losar tantric Lama Dances (on the 11th). So we have adjusted the schedule accordingly. We realize that many people may not be able to join during the weekdays in the daytime, but if possible, please join when you can either in-person or by Zoom. You are welcome to join any day and for a portion of the day as your schedule permits. We have added a 1 hour evening Dharma Protector’s practice 6:30pm - 7:30pm on Thursday and Friday, which you can attend in-person or via Zoom.
The program will be held at Drikung Kyobpa Choling Monastery in Escondido CA, along with portions of the program available online (Zoom and Facebook). You will find the program details below and program details will be updated as needed. On the 7th through the 10th, we will have the very special Achi Khandros practice text chanting by our Lamas and monastics. For everyone else (non-Tibetan language readers) who would like to participate, we have a short Achi text and request that you recite and accumulate Achi mantras on those days. The Achi text can be downloaded from the links below.
On Saturday afternoon, we will take a break from the Achi puja for some volunteer help to complete the setup for the Sunday Lama Dances. Estimated time for volunteer help is from NOON to 2:30pm, but if more help is needed, we will ask you and the Lama’s will complete the last section of the Achi ceremony from 2:30pm - 5:00pm. (More exact schedule updates may be provided later).
On Sunday we will have the Tantric Lama Dances for World Peace and to bring in all the blessful energies for the New Year.
Meeting details for both Zoom and Facebook will be forthcoming. for Saturday and Sunday, we are requesting to have a potluck lunch. Please bring something to share or bring your own lunch if you are on a special diet. We will order some additional food items, but can not predict the amount needed since we are not requiring a registration for this event.
Zoom Meeting Info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83758760361?pwd=UlVrdmNyQU9henVHcXlOclp0eDNUQT09
Meeting ID=837 5876 0361
Password: 01062020
Facebook Link: tbd
Wednesday (7th) 4pm PT first puja session begins. The monastics have completed all the torma and other offerings for Achi’s Mandala and altar and now we are ready to begin Achi ceremony prayers.
Thursday (8th) 9am to 5pm , Lunch 12pm - 1:30pm PT, Evening Dharma Protectors 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Friday (9th) 9am to 5pm , Lunch 12pm - 1:30pm PT, Evening Dharma Protectors 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Saturday (10th) 9am to NOON PT Achi puja. 2:30pm-5pm PT final Achi puja ceremony
Sunday (11th) 9am to 1pm Tantric Lama Dances in DKC courtyard, followed by potluck lunch
Also on Sunday, monastics will start with the prayers for blessing the masks and the dances around 4am or 5am (will be updated with exact time).
Hanging of new monastery prayers flags will also be done prior to the Lama Dances.
Download buttons for Achi Short prayers and mantras for the Achi mantra accumulation
Monastics joining in person at DKC: Khenpo Tenzin, Ven. Lama Choswang, Ven. Lama Norbu, Ani Tanzin, Ani Chodron