Special April Retreat programs
More detailed information will be updated soon.
We we pleased to announce the His Eminence Trishab Rinpoche will be joining us for our April retreat programs and will bestow empowerments and teachings. This will be an incredible opportunity. We will also be joined by Ven. Lama Norbu, Ven,. Lama Choswang, Khenpo Tenzin, Ani Tanzin and Ani Chodron.
Chakrasamvara Fire Puja April 8th to 11th
Dzamabala (April 13th) Empowerment with His Eminence Trishab Rinpoche
Namgyalma (April 26th) Empowerment with His Eminence Trishab Rinpoche
Achi Khandros Grand puja April 21st to 25th
Tantric Lama Dances April 27th followed by a potluck lunch 9am to 2pm