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Online prayer session with Drupon Samten & DKC monastics

Dear Dharma friends and sangha. We will join together online using Zoom for the Dharma practice of ParnaSharvi and mantra recitation. Dedicated for the benefit of everyone going through these unprecedented times. We prayer that the impacts of the disease will be reduced. We prayer that the disease will be eliminated and that a cure will be found as soon as possible.

Please join us with,

Drupon Samten, Rinpoche, Lama Norbu, Lama Choswang, Ani Tanzin and Ani Chodron.

You can find the complete Dharma practice under Drupon’s blog or you can join where we hope to share online. You can join by mobile phone or your computer. We will use Zoom. You don’t need to have a Zoom account, but you will be provided a link to download and then join when it’s time. Zoom recommends to use your computer audio if you can for a better audio experience.

Please contact us for the Zoom meeting link details.

February 20

4-Day Retreat: Tibetan New Year & Lama Dances

April 12

Online prayers & meditation with Drupon Samten