Green Tara 1 million mantra accumulations Current count: 5, 125
Hi Everyone,. We have started a group focus on accumulating Green Tara mantras. This will be one of our primary practices over the next few months for our online and in-person Dharma practice sessions. You can also join in from home or travel, where ever you may be. Green Tara is so helpful in overcoming fear, protecting from disease and bringing forth enlightened activities and energies into the world. You can accumulate the mantras to benefit yourself, specific people, regions in the world or for the benefits of all living beings across the six realms.
Please send in your counts bi-weekly to DKC email, Facebook messenger or via Zoom chat during an online program sessions.
The mantra is: OM TA-RE TU-TA-RE TU-RE SO-HA
Mantra Meaning: Tare means liberating from samsara
Tuttare, liberates you from the eight fears
Ture, liberates you from disease.
Soha means establishing the root of the path within your heart
Khenpo Tenzin at Lama Yuru Ladakh